Sunday, April 4, 2021


  This is the time of year that our Frosh overnight trip usually occurs! I WILL find a way to recreate that experience, somehow, some way : )

In the meantime, I'd like to hear about school excursions that you participated in that were more memorable than not. You may share:

- An anecdote/brief moment that  you experienced.
- Just the location your class visited.
- Or... simply list three adjectives that describe the experience.

No need to reply to others on this blogger entry...

I look forward to reading through your responses!


  1. The Denver Museum of Nature and Science

  2. Going to DC, visiting a bunch of government buildings and museums.

  3. Plymouth Massachusetts, two night long trip.

  4. Philadelphia, a day trip and we visited the liberty bell and other important landmarks.

  5. We went to DC for two nights and visited museums including the Smithsonian.

  6. Madison WI, visited the state capitol.

  7. Going to Philadelphia for a couple days and visiting the Franklin Institute.

  8. a day trip to Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament in NJ

  9. Went to Crete for 5 days with my middle school

  10. Never gone anywhere at all exciting or even worth mentioning

  11. galileo museum in florence

  12. Sakari

    The most memorable trip I've ever went on was literally one of worst experiences in my life and I will never forget it. That may or may not have been a hyperbole. In fourth grade I took a field trip to the dump- literally the dump, where all the trash goes. Yes, yes, laugh it up. I don't remember why exactly we went there, and I was a bit skeptical, but it was a way to get out of class so I went. Terrible- especially when the hot and humid Florida weather hits and our bus is full of sweaty children without air conditioning. The windows were down most of it and it was horrendous. No doubt my most memorable trip, though.

  13. My class went to Philadelphia for a day and we walked around, got food, and visited landmarks in groups. It was fun!

  14. Frost Valley in the winter

  15. Yale University in New Haven.

  16. My class took a day trip to Philadelphia where we visited a few landmarks.

  17. My class took a trip on a big sailboat along the Hudson river in 5th grade and we learned about the different fish and creatures that lived in the Hudson.

  18. My class took a trip to the bronx zoo once, and i found it very fun because i dont really travel a lot

  19. Brooklyn Bridge, my class walked for a few hours and left.

  20. My class went to Washington DC for three days.

  21. A class trip to Philadelphia in Elementary School. We saw the Liberty Bell!

  22. I went to boston one year, visited an aquarium and a bunch of other stuff, very fun and memorable, also it was an overnight trip.

  23. A class trip to the museum of science.

  24. Philadelphia and dc, class trip 2 years ago.
    Ethan Lader

  25. I went on a 3 day stay at a random camp in Western Massachusetts, which was fun the first day and turned into a surreal experience of an army of tired dehydrated middle schoolers wandering through the woods getting covered in mosquitoes. Still fun though, a lot of people don't get to do overnight trips so however weird it was I'm grateful.


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